Thursday, September 18, 2014

On The Right Path: Making a Lifestyle Change

WARNING! This post is a bit off my normal gardening topics. But in regards to the name of my business and this blog, On The Right Path - it's fits.

NOTE: At 53, this blog isn't about fad dieting, selling any product, or being super thin. It's about making good choices. About the choice to be healthy, and make the most of the years God blesses us to have left. For ourselves and our families. 

September. 2013: I walked into my doctor's office and got on the scale. Yes, the dreaded, "May I please remove my shoes, socks, jewelry? Oh, wait! I need to pee!" (Yikes, did I poop this morning!) - weigh in! 

The appointment was regarding another unrelated health issue, but the scale reading, well, lets just say had crept up past what I had regarded as my "comfort zone." 

Now most of us have a pretty good idea before we even meet the, "Evil Number Goddess" that we need to shed a few pounds. Our pants are getting tighter. We have developed muffin tops from maybe eating a few too many muffins. (Or that's who I'm blaming.) And yes, for the most part, the blame does fall on what we are eating! But we are the ones putting in our mouths. Guilty as charged! 

But this journey isn't  a new one for me, and as it is for many. It is a constant need for lifestyle change. As child and through my early teen years I struggled with my weight. I loved chips and ice cream. And in large quantities. An after school snack might have been a couple tablespoons of peanut butter and chocolate chips. My mom tried to encourage me to cut back, but I just didn't get it. Then in ninth grade, and an interest in the opposite sex, at 160 lbs, I made what I thought were good changes. I ate supplementing various diet products, and lost 30 lbs. (You will notice throughout this blog that seems to be my magic loss number.)

Still in 2004, there I was back, and this time hovering around 180 lbs. and wearing a size 18! At that point I was older, had had children,  but still no wiser on the nutrition aspect. I went to the doctor and learned my blood pressure was too high. I left with a script, well, just didn't work for me. As a person who is extremely sensitive to medicine, the side effects were awful. So two weeks later I was back in the same doctors office asking what could I do instead of meds. Good old, magic words: A low sodium diet and exercise.

So that's what I did. For more than two hours I scoured the grocery store for lower sodium foods. What I learned back then amazed me and changed many of my eating habits. Still, one thing I didn't change was eating processed foods. A goal I am still working towards today. 

And the exercise.. Walking was my (and still is) my premium form of exercise. You can not go wrong with a good long walk. You need no equipment. Just comfy supportive shoes and well, for me my pooches, a good friend or my IPOD make it even more enjoyable. 

2005: Over a years time, I lost 30 lbs. I fit nicely in a size 10, and felt comfortable with where I was at, the148-152 pound range. Or what I called, was "my happy weight" range. Basically, I had stalled, or hit a plateau and called it good. 

Basically I maintained for almost 10 years. Which considering I had had a hysterectomy in 2008, wasn't all that bad. (Off topic warning again, if anyone is going through one, please check out the, Hystersisters website- awesome sight!)

2013: So back to that dreaded "Evil Number Goddess" and last year's doctor appointment. There I was again, starting to gain some of the 30 lbs. I'd lost - back. Not a bunch, just 8 lbs.... but we all know where it was headed. 

After running a couple thyroid test to rule out any health issues, all came back normal. Ok, so I had no excuses. It was time to lose ten pounds! And then the techy side of me kicked in. 

I downloaded the My Fitness Pal app from Google Play store on my smartphone and logged in. (note: you can also join and log on their website.) At first, I didn't team up with any friends, but just stalked the forums and listened. But then I learned how supportive adding friends to my account could be. Most I did not even know except through the app. The people are amazing. Their journey's are amazing. But the goal for all, is not only about the "Evil Number Goddess," but about being healthy and what is known as NSC = Non Scale Victories. 

NSV are: Fitting in your favorite jeans again, or buying a smaller size. Going for a walk for twice as long as you did when you started your journey. Lifting a few pounds more than you did before. Chasing after your children or grandchildren without becoming winded. Just loving yourself again.

Its taken me a a year to meet my goals in this journey and loose 31 pounds and roughly 22 inches overall., and get to a healthy BMI of 22!

My next blog will offer insights on what I have learned to help myself - to get On the Right Path. 

I am not selling anything. Though the business part of me I wishes I could say some magic pill or product helped me lose the weight- but it didn't.  It's nothing mind blowing. Just a lot of common sense. If your interested subscribe to my blog and tune in soon... for the this ongoing saga!

If I can do this - So can you!

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