Saturday, November 1, 2014

Making a Lifestyle Change: No Need to Run - Walk It Off

Are you a runner? Well good for you! (insert sarcasm). Truly, running is a great form of exercise. And I admit, I have many friends who love running. But it is not for everyone, so don't feel bad if you have tried it and just don't "feel the love."

I, for one, am not a runner. Believe me I have tried! Just for the fact that it burns a ton of calories, and takes less time than walking (and I do jog occasionally) but nope, no running for this lady! Still in order to continue my "Lifestyle Change," I needed to bump up my walking and my stamina to get the weight to initially come off. 

So here is the drill. We all know the equation we need to get our health and weight where we want it to be. 

Calories in = Calories out= deficit = weight loss

Bottom line: You must burn (or cut) 3500 calories 
                      (from your overall calorie allowance) > to lose 1 pound

Now to bump up the exercise to produce the deficit! 

As I mentioned in my "Simple Swaps"  blog, and I am still learning and experimenting with swaps. Still to be honest with ourselves we need to acknowledge, a calorie is not a calorie. 

Each calorie we consume should be filled with nutrients such nutrients as: protein, fiber, vitamins, calcium, etc, to build our bodies and immune system up. Not empty calories such as; sugar, caffeine, chemicals additives - that do nothing for us. So do yourself a favor, toss the the "garbage food!" If you can't pronounce the ingredients, you probably don't want to eat it. (Of course, listen to your bodies, and consult with your doctor if you have medical reasons not to eat certain foods.)

I mean, really, why waste our money on food that does nothing for us? Would you put water in your car gas tank for three dollars a gallon? It definitely would get you nowhere. Like it was running on empty. The same holds true for our bodies. FUEL them and they will give us more millage.

Once I decided I wanted more out of my weight loss than just the number on the scale, my mind/ food focus changed. I realized to meet my goal to build muscle tone and muscle at 53, I needed to feed my body with fuel, not just food. Next I needed exercise/activity! 

Whatever form of activity you choose make something you love, that doesn't kill your joints, or tendons, or make your knees ache. Make it something you love to do or can learn to love. Then just move! 

Sounds like a no brainer right? But if you have to go to the gym to workout, and first, you drive a half-hour home, only to have to turn around and go back...

Well then, it's prolly not going to happen. So either stop on your way home, or find a way to do what you love at home

Benefits of Walking

I love walking. I can do it anywhere, it cost nothing, and you don't anything but a good pair of shoes. 

The effects on your health are simple- yet substantial! 

  • Walking burns calories and aides in weight loss and management. When I started "My Winter Project: Me" I upped my walking to two times a day. Then to really up the anti, I got a fitbit and challenged myself to walk 10,000 steps a day. Now many days, I go over that number! Read more on the fitbit in my next blog, Walking gadgets!
  • Walking raises your heart rate, giving your heart muscle the workout it needs. Regular walking is a great everyday exercise. To take it up a notch, I add a bit of  power walking or jog from mailbox to mailbox. You can also, stop and do a few squats, or jumping jacks to push your heart rate up. Forget the neighbors stares, remember, you doing this for you!
  • Walking is improves your mood, no drugs needed! Get out of the office, out of the house, just moving is known to improve your mood! Works everytime for me.
  • Walking keeps your poochy happy! And we all know a happy dog is a happy owner. But the truth is, walking is good for you pooch too! Walking has all the same benefits for them as for you. Funny, but my dogs know the word "walk", so well I have to spell it if I am not taking them along. 

If you live in the north, where I do, the weather is about to get cold and blustery you may be asking yourself, "Where am I going to walk?" Well, as we northerners do, we get creative! 

Here are some indoor and outdoor options:
Want to buy a treadmill for your home?
VIsit this therununiverse for some tips
on choosing the right one for you. 

  • The mall - Note: Leave your wallet in the car to reduce spending temptations. Yup, I learned this the hard way.
  • Indoor walking tracks - Many communities have fitness centers that offer reduced rates for just walking their tracks and some are free! Also many local high schools open the halls for free walking in the evening. Locally, Saginaw Township offers free walking club at Center Courts.
  • High School outdoor tracks - Many are open during the schools off times and bonus, some now have cushioning!
  • Rail Trails and Walking Paths - These can sometimes be remote and are not plowed or shoveled in the winter months. Please walk with a friend.
  • Nature Center Hiking Trails - Note above info for this also. Snow shoes or hiking boots may be needed for this option. Locally, visit Chippewa Nature Center's website for their calendar of scheduled events for guided hikes.
  • Treadmills - Join a gym or invest in one for your home.
  • At work-  Take advantage if you have a larger building with stairs. Bonus!
  • At home- DVDS! To mix it up I use Biggest Loser Power walk or Leslie Samsone's Walk Away the Pounds DVDs. Many of  their videos are available on YouTube for free. 

The most important thing to do is to keep your activity interesting. Check out my next blog, when I will offer ideas for Walking Gadgets.So be good! And keep your Santa list handy.

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