Saturday, November 29, 2014

Making a Lifestyle Change: Shaping Your Body

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could choose the shape of our bodies? I mean  why not just ask Santa for some extra padding up top, or make a New Years resolution for no more thick thighs--- and Poof! Gone. No more muffin top! 

Sorry, but nope. It's not that easy, but IT IS up to you! Of course being realistic helps too! There are things we can change and things that will be what God gave us. That said, they don't have to have the extra padding or jiggles!

I know, because even though I had decided to "Make a Lifestyle Change," I knew I needed to do more. Yes, I was doing the cardio. Watching what I ate. But to really change the shape of my body, I needed to take it up a notch. 

We all know, cardio activities are an fun and important way to burn calories and stay in general good health. But our bodies, like our minds, they get bored. So as much as I love my daily walks, it wasn't enough to make the complete the changes I wanted to see. Bottom line, if I wanted to change my body, it was time for me to step it up to keep my body guessing!

So whatever part of your body bugs you, pick it and  stay focussed! For many women, myself included, we all know about that flabby arm or thigh thing going on! Sorry about the mental visual. But yes, it happens. But what’s a person to do about it?

Go back to the basics. Sync your mind. Where do you want to go from here? On my journey I learned what I thought and put in motion was the key to my own success. I could succeed or fail. The choice was mine.

Step it Up with Cross Training

Cross training involves including various types of exercises on a certain number of days a week. Then switching it up the other days.

This process is not only a great way to keep you body guessing, it also prevents injury as you are not over using one area of muscle over and over.  


Monday, Wednesday, Friday = Cardio
Tuesday,Thursday, Saturday = Tone or lift
Sunday = Rest

Remember, the level of your activity will vary depending on your fitness, body and overall health. But don’t be defeated! If one program doesn’t work for you the possibilities are endless from pilates to yoga and Zumba, to weight lifting, kickboxing and crossfit.

For me, I like to bike and garden (and yes, that is exercise), but in Michigan, that gets tricky

from November through late March. An indoor exercise bike is great option for those who like to bike year round. In my mini home gym set-up, I have a recumbent style that is easier on the joints and back. You can often find exercise bikes online second hand for half the cost of new.

Shaping the body

Be patient! Shaping the body takes more time than losing weight and the progress can sometimes seem slow. Here is a couple things that helped keep me focused:

Take your measurements
I started with the basics. Top, Waist, Hips, Thigh and upper arm. Just seeing the numbers in black and white and then seeing them slowly fall was what I needed to keep going!

Find your encouragement
Set a goal to fit in that a favorite pair of jeans, a special dress or those tight leggings. Or mark your calendar to compete in a 5K, or Mud Run, or what ever event that pushes you to keep going! Maybe it’s chasing after you kids or grandkids and keeping up!

Just think, you will gain strength to pick up your kids and grandkids, increase muscle tone so you can wear things you thought were long dead and gone… and whoa--- don’t forget about the perk, losing inches.

Building and Shaping Muscle

Lifting weights brought its own set of concerns for me. I have a torn rotator cuff. It’s fairly well healed, or as much as most do, but I still have to be smart when if comes to muscle building activities. So if your dealing with an injury, or an old injury, have it checked out by a doctor or physical therapist. Get some pointers on what you can and can not do. But don't be discouraged. There are so many adaptable activities that no one should be sidelined.

For lengthening and strengthening muscles I like to do Pilates. Pilates is easy on the joints and can be done in your own living room with no tools needed! Pilates involves stretching and a variety of core building exercises. These are the types of things that will not only make you more flexible, but will tone those flabby thighs, and flatten the belly by building core muscles.

I learned Pilates basics from a You can Do Pilates DVD - and used the moves

for the first part of my journey. Recently I added a Pilates Reformer, which is basically a machine that bumps up the intensity of Pilates. Many gyms and community centers offer classes on Pilates also. 

Do see a pattern here? Each leg of my journey, something has had to change. Our bodies get used to what we are doing and it’s harder to get past the plateaus. So we need to change it up! 

Muscle Building

This is an area that really differs per person. The old adage, "to lift more is better" doesn’t work for me. With the torn rotator cuff, I keep it simple and light. 

I use 5 lb. hand weights and do multiple reps for the effect I want three times a week. Again, changing it up is important. My routine may include squats one day, and not the next. I do overhead presses one time a week, then switch it up with lawn mower rows. So while this may not sound like the body building you’ve read about, or seen guys at the gym doing, It worked for me. And really, in the end, that is all that matters. It works for you! 

Results are worked for!

Just say'n folk, using the pilates and light weights helped me to lose 22 inch overall! It can be done. Age is just a number, just as it is on the scale or those pants you want to fit. keep your mind in the game! 

YouTube is a great place to find free videos on Pilates, Yoga and basic muscle building exercises, or visit the My Fitness Pal website for more ideas!

And for those, northerners who love snow and cold, there are plenty of outdoor activities to keep you moving. From downhill and cross country skiing, to snowshoeing, or even using those upper body muscles with snowmobiling!

So keep moving!!!

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Making a Lifestyle Change: Walking Gadgets for Christmas - or Anytime!

We all know if we fall into boredom with exercising, it won't happen. We say we will do it, then, well, something more interesting comes up. In fact, I knew with winter arriving soon, it was going to be a challenge to get back on the treadmill. I so love my outdoor walks!
But knowing the weather is going to prevent them from time to time, I am prepared. My hubby ran cable to a small tv so I can record and watch my favorite shows as I workout. That's the key. Plan ahead and make it something new! 
Get yourself fitted at a runners store,
even if you are a walker! A good fitting shoe
is important for your over all health and stride.
My go-to shoes are Mizuno or Saucony's.

And, walking is free and really doesn't need any special equipment- except supportive shoes. This is true. But why not treat yourself to something to make exercise interesting? Up the anti-if you will. Challenge yourself? 

So with Christmas not far off, many lists being made, and great deals being posted everywhere - why not ask for a something that will improve your health by making walking even more FUN?

Those who know me, know I'm a bit of a gadget lover anyhow, so this falls right in my interest to keep it - well, interesting and challenging. Here are a few "toys" that I enjoy for my walks: 

Walking Gadgets! 

Lock Laces -  For quick out the door walks. Lock Laces are elastic shoe laces with no tying involved. Just pull and go. Love them!

For Outdoor Walks:

Brightly colored vest, jackets, hats or shirts. 

Depending where you walk, these items are a great safety aset. With many of us walking in the early morning or late evening, being seen is extremely important. 

Other items that some find helpful for this include, a headlamp to site your way; reflective tape added to your favorite walking jacket or your pets leash help you stay illuminated! 

SmartTouch Gloves
Simple knit versions are available for just a few dollars from dollar stores, or the more versitile Isotoner Smarttouch models go for up to $25. These gloves are great, as they allow you to navigate your smart phone or IPOD without removing you gloves when it's chilly outside.

For Walking Anywhere:


Bonus, keep it interesting and the walk may end up longer! Create playlists to relax, to pump you or podcast to keep the mind going. IPOD's range in price from the simple Shuffle for less than $60, to the Nano with bluetooth (this is the model I bought) for $150.(I also found a deal and got mine for $105.) or the the TOUCH with al the bells and whistles for $200 and up. 

I just invested in a LG Bluetooth Headset with with a new IPOD that is bluetooth capable. It makes it nice not having all those wires to deal with! These are also great to pair with your phone to multi-task when walking and making phone calls. 

Activity Tracker

This is not your inexpensive pocket step counter. It is a new generation of activity tracking!

These new trackers, sync with smart phones and Apps such as Map My Walk, My Fitness Pal, and more.

I have the Fitbit One. (pictured.) They come in a variety of style and types by many manufactures. Fitbit has recently released a new wrist band style, called the Charge and are releasing another high end, bell and whistle model, close to Christmas for the first of the year. This high end one, will be more like a watch, and include a heart rate monitor. 

I like, Fitbit because, it has great social media support. They just added a new feature to challenge fellow fitbitters, and up the keep it interesting between friends and family. There are many more manufactures of these devices from Sony to Garmin and many more. But by far, I can vouch for fitbit as having great customer service, from replacing lost and damaged devices, to resolving app and website issues quickly.


Why not make this Christmas about being healthy? 

  • Step back from the cookies and cakes
  • Think before eating - Am I really hungry?
  • Portion the goodies must try
  •  Think about how long it will take you to burn those additional calories!!!
  • Leave the food area 
  • Distract yourself with conversation of friends

Remember the real reason for the season! Christmas is about celebrating Jesus' birth and spending time with friends and family. No where does it say, you must indulge in every cake and cookie and fat laden desert! 


Wondering how to step outside the walking box to work on toning and building muscle?
My next blog touches on the small changes that I did that really helped tone while losing wieght. No gym or heavy weights required! 

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Saturday, November 1, 2014

Making a Lifestyle Change: No Need to Run - Walk It Off

Are you a runner? Well good for you! (insert sarcasm). Truly, running is a great form of exercise. And I admit, I have many friends who love running. But it is not for everyone, so don't feel bad if you have tried it and just don't "feel the love."

I, for one, am not a runner. Believe me I have tried! Just for the fact that it burns a ton of calories, and takes less time than walking (and I do jog occasionally) but nope, no running for this lady! Still in order to continue my "Lifestyle Change," I needed to bump up my walking and my stamina to get the weight to initially come off. 

So here is the drill. We all know the equation we need to get our health and weight where we want it to be. 

Calories in = Calories out= deficit = weight loss

Bottom line: You must burn (or cut) 3500 calories 
                      (from your overall calorie allowance) > to lose 1 pound

Now to bump up the exercise to produce the deficit! 

As I mentioned in my "Simple Swaps"  blog, and I am still learning and experimenting with swaps. Still to be honest with ourselves we need to acknowledge, a calorie is not a calorie. 

Each calorie we consume should be filled with nutrients such nutrients as: protein, fiber, vitamins, calcium, etc, to build our bodies and immune system up. Not empty calories such as; sugar, caffeine, chemicals additives - that do nothing for us. So do yourself a favor, toss the the "garbage food!" If you can't pronounce the ingredients, you probably don't want to eat it. (Of course, listen to your bodies, and consult with your doctor if you have medical reasons not to eat certain foods.)

I mean, really, why waste our money on food that does nothing for us? Would you put water in your car gas tank for three dollars a gallon? It definitely would get you nowhere. Like it was running on empty. The same holds true for our bodies. FUEL them and they will give us more millage.

Once I decided I wanted more out of my weight loss than just the number on the scale, my mind/ food focus changed. I realized to meet my goal to build muscle tone and muscle at 53, I needed to feed my body with fuel, not just food. Next I needed exercise/activity! 

Whatever form of activity you choose make something you love, that doesn't kill your joints, or tendons, or make your knees ache. Make it something you love to do or can learn to love. Then just move! 

Sounds like a no brainer right? But if you have to go to the gym to workout, and first, you drive a half-hour home, only to have to turn around and go back...

Well then, it's prolly not going to happen. So either stop on your way home, or find a way to do what you love at home

Benefits of Walking

I love walking. I can do it anywhere, it cost nothing, and you don't anything but a good pair of shoes. 

The effects on your health are simple- yet substantial! 

  • Walking burns calories and aides in weight loss and management. When I started "My Winter Project: Me" I upped my walking to two times a day. Then to really up the anti, I got a fitbit and challenged myself to walk 10,000 steps a day. Now many days, I go over that number! Read more on the fitbit in my next blog, Walking gadgets!
  • Walking raises your heart rate, giving your heart muscle the workout it needs. Regular walking is a great everyday exercise. To take it up a notch, I add a bit of  power walking or jog from mailbox to mailbox. You can also, stop and do a few squats, or jumping jacks to push your heart rate up. Forget the neighbors stares, remember, you doing this for you!
  • Walking is improves your mood, no drugs needed! Get out of the office, out of the house, just moving is known to improve your mood! Works everytime for me.
  • Walking keeps your poochy happy! And we all know a happy dog is a happy owner. But the truth is, walking is good for you pooch too! Walking has all the same benefits for them as for you. Funny, but my dogs know the word "walk", so well I have to spell it if I am not taking them along. 

If you live in the north, where I do, the weather is about to get cold and blustery you may be asking yourself, "Where am I going to walk?" Well, as we northerners do, we get creative! 

Here are some indoor and outdoor options:
Want to buy a treadmill for your home?
VIsit this therununiverse for some tips
on choosing the right one for you. 

  • The mall - Note: Leave your wallet in the car to reduce spending temptations. Yup, I learned this the hard way.
  • Indoor walking tracks - Many communities have fitness centers that offer reduced rates for just walking their tracks and some are free! Also many local high schools open the halls for free walking in the evening. Locally, Saginaw Township offers free walking club at Center Courts.
  • High School outdoor tracks - Many are open during the schools off times and bonus, some now have cushioning!
  • Rail Trails and Walking Paths - These can sometimes be remote and are not plowed or shoveled in the winter months. Please walk with a friend.
  • Nature Center Hiking Trails - Note above info for this also. Snow shoes or hiking boots may be needed for this option. Locally, visit Chippewa Nature Center's website for their calendar of scheduled events for guided hikes.
  • Treadmills - Join a gym or invest in one for your home.
  • At work-  Take advantage if you have a larger building with stairs. Bonus!
  • At home- DVDS! To mix it up I use Biggest Loser Power walk or Leslie Samsone's Walk Away the Pounds DVDs. Many of  their videos are available on YouTube for free. 

The most important thing to do is to keep your activity interesting. Check out my next blog, when I will offer ideas for Walking Gadgets.So be good! And keep your Santa list handy.

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